TocMail 2.0 Blocks 95% of Qualification Phishing Attacks


If you are looking for a solution that will protect your data from the danger of accreditation phishing, look no further than TocMail 2.0. The patent-protected method of sending you straight to an approved website is the answer to your problem. It will help prevent data breaches by blocking more than 95% of qualification phishing assaults. And because TocMail is cloud-based, you won’t have to worry about a single software update.

TocMail 2.0

The TocMail license arrangement helps close this security vulnerability. Its licensing arrangement keeps you safe while minimizing the risk of infiltration by up to 95 percent. The most common reason for a data breach is phishing, or accreditation scams. To prevent these attacks, TocMail redirects users to a safe site after establishing a connection with them. It also deletes emails while they are protected. TocMail offers a variety of benefits, and is available for all major email providers.

TocMail offers a webapp and an SMTP/IMAP switch implementation. The webapp is fully featured and incorporates PhishViewer security. TocMail also supports IMAP and SMTP switch implementations, and even Outlook. TocMail’s whitelist feature is extended by AlienVault integration to allow you to choose from multiple options. You can even switch between SMTP and Outlook with ease.

Logical Server Units

A logical server is a group of machines where the workload is distributed among the members. A client is bound to a physical server and is then rerouted to the logical server. There are two modes of logical servers: Round Robin and Random. In Round Robin mode, new connections are assigned to the first available server, while Random mode assigns them to a random server. The latter is more efficient, but may not be suitable for all workloads.

PhishViewer security

PhishViewer is a comprehensive email application for both Mac OS X and Windows that incorporates a patented phishing protection system. Unlike traditional email clients, PhishViewer never connects to the original email link, so when you receive a suspicious email, you’re always redirected to a secure site. Thanks to its patented approach, PhishViewer security against tocmail attacks reduces the risk of data breach by more than 95%.

Licensing arrangement with Microsoft

To license Microsoft’s software, a reseller must first place an order with Microsoft. The reseller must then register on the Volume License Service Center for the software. Microsoft sends the reseller a welcome email with instructions for registering. This individual may not be the same person named on the agreement. The reseller must then place an order for licenses. The reseller will be responsible for the licenses. Microsoft will pay a portion of the license price.

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