Why does pornzog.com have an average to good trust score?
pornzog.com is very likely not a scam but legit and reliable.
Our algorithm gave the review of pornzog.com a relatively high score. We have based this rating on the data we were able to collect about the site on the Internet such as the country in which the website is hosted, if an SSL certificate is used and reviews found on other websites.
The rating of the website indicates the site is safe to shop and leave your data. However, we cannot guarantee that the site is a scam. Many websites look legit but are in fact fake. Before you shop at a site you do not know, check the website manually.
This website has received mainly positive reviews
The SSL certificate is valid (source: Xolphin SSL Check)
This site may offer adult content (how to check if it is legit or a scam).
This website is (very) old
This website is trusted by Trend Micro
The owner of the website is using a service to hide their identity on WHOIS