Amai Zackary Wayans is a writer, performance poet, and LGBTQ activist who uses her platform to redefine beauty. In this article, Wayans talks about how her experience in the LGBTQ community has allowed her to carve out a space for herself and other queer black women on the internet. How...
This is a blog article interviewing Lora Chaffin, the woman who's helped the entire world sleep less. Learn more about her in her own words in this article! Who is Lora Chaffin? Lora Chaffin is a mom who is passionate about helping others sleep less. Chaffin's journey to help others get...
If you've ever wondered where the word Momochi comes from, read on. The word means "guardian" and is a popular choice for a beach destination. Located in central Japan, it's close to both the city of Nagoya and the southern beaches of Okinawa. In this article, we'll explore Momochicy's...
When it comes to reaching your target audience and boosting your brand, equity crowdfunding can be a great option. In this article, we'll discuss the basics of equity crowdfunding and how you can use it to reach more people and get better results. We'll also explore the pros and...
The feature interview with Flora and Fauna author Fianna Francis Masterson is a great way to get an inside look into her writing process. Introducing Fianna Francis Masterson Fianna Francis Masterson is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and currently a post-doctoral fellow at Georgetown University in the Department...
Kirbie Wallace is the blogger-in-chief of "," a website dedicated to helping entrepreneurs build, grow and succeed in their businesses. In this article, she shares her thoughts about struggling as an entrepreneur, finding your purpose in life, and dealing with change. Questions for Kirbie 1. What inspired you to start your...
Nestled in the heart of southern Sweden, Kristianstad is a vibrant city steeped in history and culture. And when it comes to inspiring figures who have left an indelible mark on its past, few names can match that of Mats Berg. From his humble beginnings as a farm boy...
Anne M Tengell is a freelance writer and editor who has been writing for quite some time. She has written for the likes of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and others. In this interview she shares her advice on freelancing, how she got started in...
This is a profile and interview of an author, Rikki Leigh Robertson. The article talks about how she has been battling her disability from the age of four years old, when her brain was "destroyed by a virus." After spending over 2 years in hospitals for treatment, she eventually...
At first glance, it would seem that Wrights HKlaw is just a website with a domain name. However, their company is the leading legal service for English-speaking individuals residing in Hong Kong. I reached out to one of their clients to learn more about what this company does and...