Chiropractic Neck Adjustment: 5 Things You Should Know


Have you been thinking of going to the chiropractor?

Although many people go to their family doctor when unwell, only some know they have an alternative option: chiropractors. Chiropractors are general practitioners that focus on the spine and nervous system issues.

One of the most common things chiropractors do is chiropractic neck adjustment.

But what is it? How can it help you? Do you need a chiropractic adjustment, or could see a doctor suffice? Let’s take a look.

1. Who Can Give Chiropractic Neck Adjustments?

Chiropractic doctors typically administer it. But, other healthcare professionals, such as physical therapists, physician assistants, and osteopaths, are also qualified to adjust the neck.

Chiropractors are highly trained and certified professionals. They have gone through years of medical schooling.They are experts in musculoskeletal and nervous system health. Chiropractors are specifically trained in the anatomy, biomechanics, and evaluation of neck conditions. That’s why they are qualified to adjust the neck.

  1. Benefits, Risks, and Side Effects

Neck adjustment chiropractic is a natural and safe therapy for neck pain, stiffness, vomiting, and headaches. It is one of the most common chiropractic treatments. It is popular because it reduces pain and improves the range of motion.

The benefits include an improved range of motion and reduced muscle tension and pain. The risks associated with chiropractic neck adjustments are usually mild. It includes headaches, dizziness, and sometimes muscle soreness.

Possible side effects of it include difficulty sleeping, neck stiffness, and nerve injury. Although repeated adjustments increase the risk of severe side effects, chiropractic shows an overall favorable safety profile.

It is an effective treatment option. But it should only be used after an appropriate neck pain diagnosis.

  1. What Conditions Do Chiropractors Treat?

Chiropractic neck adjustment treats or alleviates neck pain, misalignments of the cervical vertebrae, and tightness or weak muscles in the neck and shoulders. It can effectively reduce pain, inflammation, and headaches.

It has been known to improve joint and muscle functioning. It can also help improve posture. While it is not a permanent cure for neck pain, it is a great way to relieve pressure on the neck and shoulders, improve the range of motion, and reduce tightness.

  1. What To Expect in the Procedure?

It is a procedure to treat neck pain caused by muscle tension or misaligned vertebrae. It is a safe, natural, and non-invasive therapy with many health benefits when done correctly.

Before an adjustment, patients must disclose their medical history fully so that their chiropractor is aware of any potential risks. Then, the chiropractor gently applies pressure to the targeted area to realign the vertebrae during an adjustment. It is not uncommon for a patient to hear a popping sound during the procedure.

The sound of released gas pockets is a normal part of the procedure. Patients report feeling relief and improvement in their symptoms within a few hours of their adjustment. But, getting the best results can take several visits and lifestyle changes.

Patients should always listen to their bodies and communicate concerns or uncomfortable sensations with their chiropractors. Some other treatment plans are also available; click here for more info on treatment plans.

  1. Different Types of Adjustments

Chiropractic neck adjustment is a manual therapy used to treat spine-related ailments. It is used to help align spinal vertebrae and reduce pain and inflammation. Different types of chiropractic neck adjustments depend on individual patient needs.

Remember that different adjustments may be indicated for other patients. So checking with a qualified professional is essential. The five primary types are:


It is a non-surgical, gentle procedure that realigns the neck vertebrae. It allows the muscles and ligaments of the neck to become more relaxed.

The mobilization technique can be adjusted to the individual’s need, with both active and passive movements used. It is often combined with other healing modalities, such as massage and stretching.

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a type of neck adjustment commonly used in chiropractic care. It is not the same as spinal manipulation. Instead, it is a gentler form of neck adjustment.

It is best used to address chronic neck and shoulder issues, neck pain, and headaches caused by poor posture. It should help reduce pain and improve the range of motion in the neck and spine. Manual therapy involves hands-on manipulation of soft tissues and joints to restore normal movement and improve function.


Flexion-distraction is a gentle adjustment that uses slow, gentle pumping motions to reduce nerve pressure and restore the correct spine alignment. This adjustment does not involve loud popping or cracking sounds typically associated with spinal manipulation.

Adjustments are entirely pain-free, and all sessions are tailored to the individual, with the frequency of treatment depending on the patient’s needs. It can be used on acute and chronic neck pain, stiffness, headache pain, herniated discs, and sciatica.


Extensiondistraction as a neck adjustment involves a gentle but firm movement to release pressure from the spine. It can be performed manually or with an adjusting tool. The movement is done slowly with a steady force for safety and maximum effect.

Cervical Spinal Manipulation

Cervical spinal manipulation restores normal joint alignment and reduces muscle spasms. An experienced and qualified healthcare professional should only perform it. The technique involves the practitioner applying pressure to specific neck parts to manipulate the cervical spine joints.

Proper cervical manipulation can improve spinal alignment and relieve chronic neck pain and headaches. But, it is not recommended for children or pregnant women. It’s also important to avoid manipulating the neck if you have certain conditions, such as a neck injury or an infection, or if you’re taking certain medications.

Ease Your Neck Pain

Chiropractic neck adjustment is a safe and effective non-invasive way to help relieve neck pain. Patients should find a qualified chiropractor they trust to get the best results.

Discuss all related risks and benefits with the doctor before beginning any adjustments. Schedule an appointment today to start alleviating your neck pain!

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