Braces for Children: Signs to Take Your Child to the Orthodontist


Are you wondering if your child needs braces?

Braces can help your child achieve a beautiful smile and a healthier, more confident self. With teamwork and skill, your child’s orthodontist can help them feel confident at a young age.

Before you set an appointment with your child’s dentist, there are several signs to take your child to the orthodontist.

If you would like to know what to look for, you are in the right place for a comprehensive guide. Be sure to read to find out more about braces for children, and start asking the dentist questions today.

Misaligned or Crooked Teeth

If you notice crooked child teeth, then it is essential to take them to the orthodontist for braces. Braces can effectively realign the teeth, restoring proper function and appearance.

Early treatment can help prevent more serious and expensive dental problems down the road. Properly aligned teeth can also give your child a more confident, healthy smile.

Misaligned or Incorrect Jaw Position

Misaligned or incorrect jaw position is a common problem for children aged between 7 and 11. Visiting an orthodontist is the best way to ensure that their kids are receiving the necessary braces for the correct jaw alignment.

The jaw position may also go unnoticed. However, it can still cause discomfort or pain when smiling or eating.

An Underbite

If your child has an underbite, it is always best to take them to the orthodontist to receive an evaluation and get the best treatment options. As an underbite can persist even after permanent teeth grow in, braces are usually the best way to correct this issue.

Braces are an essential part of the treatment and will gradually realign the teeth and jaw to provide your child with a more normal-looking smile. In some cases, other treatments like a palatal expander or jaw repositioning may also be necessary.

An Overbite

Child overbite can cause problems such as difficulty eating and speaking, as well as potential dental health issues in the future. Braces can help your child both aesthetically, as well as to ensure their long-term dental health.

If you suspect that your child has an overbite, visit an orthodontist for proper evaluation and treatment.

Spacing Irregularities

Spacing irregularities may include wide gaps between teeth and overcrowding teeth. Generally, a good time to take your child to the orthodontist is when all the baby teeth have fallen out, and the adult teeth are in, around age 7.

With braces, child gaping teeth can be properly addressed.

Protruding Front Teeth

Braces are recommended for children exhibiting signs of protruding front teeth, among other signs and issues. Protruding front teeth cause aesthetic appearance problems. Also, there are health risks of mouth and teeth injuries and jaw alignment disorders.

Parents should pay attention to how the child’s protruding front teeth affect their daily speech, eating, and smiling habits. Make observations before scheduling a visit to the orthodontist.

Different types of braces provide various solutions to put the teeth and jaw into the correct position.

An Open Bite

If you are concerned that your child may have an open bite, the best way to diagnose and treat the issue is to take them to an orthodontist.

An open bite is when the upper and lower front teeth do not meet when the mouth is closed. It usually requires some type of orthodontic correction to close the bite.

Frequently Biting the Tongue

If your child is frequently biting their tongue, it may be a sign that it’s time to see an orthodontist to get fitted for braces. Braces can help straighten the teeth in order to prevent frequent tongue biting.

An orthodontist will assess your child’s mouth, determine the unique conditions that are causing the tongue biting, and then choose an appropriate course of treatment.

Difficulty Pronouncing Some Sounds

If your child is having difficulty pronouncing some sounds, it may be time to take them to the orthodontist to discuss braces. Braces can have a significant benefit for your child’s overall health and eliminate child speech difficulties by properly aligning their teeth, eliminating difficulty pronouncing some sounds, or producing lisping sounds.

Jaws That Make Noises When Chewing

It is a sign that a child may need braces if they have difficulty chewing their food and make noise when they chew. Children with jaws misaligned can make clicking, popping, or grinding noises when chewing.

Even after the braces are removed, the teeth may need to be held in place by a retainer to prevent them from shifting out of position.

Stress on Jawline After Chewing Food

Braces can alleviate stress on the jawline after chewing food. When teeth and jaw alignment are off, the body attempts to find comfort while chewing by placing more pressure on one side of the jaw. This leads to jaw and facial pain.

Orthodontic treatment can help relieve this by redistributing the pressure and helping the patient’s jaw return to its original position. Braces help children achieve a healthy and uniform bite as they grow, ensuring that they can eat comfortably and enjoy all of their favorite foods.

With the help of braces, children can keep their jawline stress-free and in the correct position, helping them to enjoy a lifetime of healthy eating routines.

Excessive Amounts of Saliva When Talking

Excessive amounts of saliva when talking could be a sign that your child should visit the orthodontist. By correcting any of the dental issues with braces, your child’s mouth will be able to close properly, and saliva production will normalize.

Be sure to visit the orthodontist that provides family dental and braces for children treatments. Make sure that your child feels comfortable with the professional to ensure a great experience.

Visit the Orthodontist to Get Braces for Children Today

Visiting an orthodontist while your child is still young can help determine if they need to seek treatment. By providing braces for children in need, orthodontists can help them achieve a healthier bite and a more confident smile.

Take action if you notice any of the signs mentioned, and schedule an appointment with an orthodontist today to determine what is best for your child.

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