7 Signs Your Job Isn’t Right for You

Job Isn't Right
Job Isn't Right

If you’re unhappy at work, the signs are right in front of you. But how can you tell if it’s time to move on? 

Here are seven things that should make you consider a career change:

  1. You wish you could work for a different type of boss.

First, know that not all bosses are created equal. Some are good, some are bad, and some fall somewhere in between. If you’re unhappy with your boss or how they manage things at work, it might be time to move on.

A good boss cares more about making their team members happy than they do about their own success or the company’s bottom line. 

They recognize that a happy employee equals more productivity and less turnover—and those are two things all companies strive for when hiring new staff members!

If you feel like your current boss doesn’t have your best interest at heart, it may be time to start looking for a new position.

  1. You’re not learning anything new.

If you’re not learning anything new, it could be a sign that you aren’t making the most of your time at work. If you feel there is no room for growth and improvement, then it’s time to move on. 

This doesn’t mean that every job opportunity needs to come with a formal training program or certification process—but if you feel like your position is stagnant and unchanging, there may be a better way for you to spend your days than in this role. 

  1. You hate your commute.

If you dread getting up in the morning and driving to work every day, consider it a sign that something is wrong with your job. A long commute can be stressful, expensive, and time-consuming. 

It can also make it difficult for you to spend time with family or friends outside of work because you have such limited time during the day. 

If moving closer to the company isn’t an option, you should consider finding a job closer to home. Unfortunately, sometimes the perfect job just isn’t in the right place.

Of course, you may be able to endure your commute better if you took a different approach. Why not make the best of your commute by trying out some of these productive ideas?

  1. You only went into the job for the money.

Because the job pays well, you assume it’s a good fit for you. In fact, though the pay is more than you expected from your current employer at this time, it’s still not enough. 

Sure, a job is meant to pay the bills, but the pay isn’t the only thing that matters.

Remember that you will have to spend most of your days doing this work. If it drains you, doesn’t interest you, or goes against what you believe in, it doesn’t matter how much you earn- you’ll still be miserable. 

  1. Your company’s values don’t align with yours.

Speaking of what you believe in, the values of the company you work for should align with yours. If they don’t, you’ll never feel like your job is right for you.

Some people love their jobs but hate how their companies treat their employees. Others have great bosses but have to work long hours and don’t have time to spend with their families. 

And some bosses are constantly changing things up without letting their employees know so they can prepare themselves first. 

These are examples where the company’s values don’t align with those of its employees—and those employees will not be happy in that environment for long!

  1. You’re not being paid what you deserve.

Regarding salary, you’re the only person who can determine what you deserve. Use your skills and experience to figure out how much money is appropriate for your job.

If your employer isn’t paying you what they should, it may be time for a chat about compensation and benefits. If you need help deciphering how your employment contract can improve, consider enlisting the help of Physicians Thrive

Asking for a raise isn’t always easy, but your time is valuable, and so are your skills. Don’t sell yourself short. 

  1. You don’t know where your career path will take you here.

If you’re not sure where your career will take you at your current job, it’s time to consider your options. If this is the case for you, there are a few things worth considering:

Are there opportunities for advancement within the company? This may be as simple as asking someone directly or looking into whether any open positions might interest you.

If you’re unsure whether this is an employer where you want to stay long-term, ask yourself why that is so—and then decide if it’s worth pursuing regardless.


While it’s normal to have doubts and question your place in the world, if you’re experiencing any of these signs that your job isn’t right for you, it’s time to take action. 

You deserve more than a paycheck—you deserve fulfilling work and purpose. 

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